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Colorado Insurance Blog

When is a Damaged Roof Covered By Home Insurance?

The roof on your house helps to keep outside elements out of your home. However, when it is damaged or in poor condition, water may seep into your home, causing substantial amounts of damage. Unfortunately, roof repairs or re-roofing your home can be costly. Fortunately, sometimes these repairs may be covered by your home insurance. Here is some information on what types of damage may be covered and what types may not be covered by your home insurance policy.

When Roof Damage is Covered

Generally speaking, if something caused damage to your roof other than regular wear and tear, your home insurance will pick up the damage. For example, if a hail storm damaged your roof, home insurance will pick it up. Or if strong wind gusts suddenly blew a large number of shingles off your roof, your home insurance will likely pay for the repairs or for a new roof, if warranted.

When Roof Damage is Not Covered

Home insurance will generally not pay to repair or replace roofs that need work due to normal wear and tear. Most roofs only last about 20 to 30 years when properly cared for. During this time period, regular exposure to rain and sunlight may wear shingles or tiles down or cause a couple here or there to be damaged. When this occurs or when your roof has reached the end of its lifespan, home insurance typically won’t make the repairs or pay for the new roof.

When you are shopping around for home insurance, it is important that you understand what is and is not included in the policy. This helps ensure your policy best fits your needs. Here at AFI Insurance, serving the greater Denver, CO area, we sit down with our customers and go over their policy, helping to ensure they have a full understanding of it. If you are in the market for a new policy, let us help you. Contact us today to set up an appointment to get started.

Winterizing Your Home for a Safe Holiday Season

Before you know it, the winter holidays will be here.  While you’re busy making lists for sprucing up the interior of your home, it might be time to give some thought for the exterior such that you and your guests can enjoy a trouble free time of joy. Those little repair jobs that you push to the side can easily turn into nightmares with the advent of a blizzard, ice storm or simply a wild windy night in Denver, CO.

Fixing up the Driveway

It won’t do to have your in-laws twist their ankles on that pothole that has been getting bigger over the past few years.  At the same time a few more passes of the snowblower or plow can turn the six-inch crumbling mass into a safety hazard to your car as well as friends and relatives.  You may not need a full repave, but simply a bag of quik-crete.

Making Your Stairs Safe

You know to step more firmly on the fourth tread from the top of your deck stairway.  The tread has been wobbling of late.  With a freeze or two, it could work itself loose.  Wouldn’t it be better to nail it down now rather than have the Thanksgiving dinner turned into a visit to the ER?

Checking Siding and Roof for Loose Parts

Perhaps the most daunting maintenance tasks are the roof and siding.  However, with one major storm in Denver, CO that piece of siding that looks a little loose could turn into major damage to your home.  You have a choice: spend a little time and money now or suffer through a claim with AFI Insurance.

Is your home insurance up to date and ready to cover you in case of storm damage?  Give the folks at AFI Insurance a call today.

Fall Home Checklist: How to Stay Safe

Denver, CO can see some cold, snowy winters. That’s why homeowners begin preparation for the colder seasons starting in the Fall.  While the weather is still nice, this is the time to get outside and do some preventative maintenance around the house that will guarantee and safe and cozy home until it’s time for next year’s spring cleaning.  

Check for Escaping Heat

Look for cracks along windows and door frames and caulk any areas where heat could be escaping.  Do the same for any cracks you find along walls.  The roof is another area where heat likes to find an escape.  Every Fall it’s a good idea to give your roof a thorough inspection. This will keep your property’s carbon footprint smaller along with a smaller energy bill. 

Look for Peeling Paint

Inspect the exterior walls of your property and any outbuildings for peeling paint, which is a sign that the paint needs to be replaced to keep what is underneath protected.  Old paint can no longer support siding and over time the siding will deteriorate leading to expensive repairs.  

Install Storm Windows and Doors

Before the first snowfall, it is a good idea to secure the more vulnerable parts of the property, namely the doors and windows.  Winter storms bring strong winds that rattle windows and doors, trying to make its way in.  By securing your windows and doors with quality storm replacements, you’ll keep the storm where it belongs – outside.  

Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance

Having insurance to weather any storm that comes your way, will keep your home safe and protected for all the days you will there.  At AFI Insurance, we will assist you in getting the right insurance for your home or rental property.  Don’t let anything stand to chance in Dever, CO.  Protect yourself and your loved ones with AFI Insurance guiding the way.  Contact us today for more information.  



Why Flood Insurance Isn’t Part of Homeowner’s Insurance

New homeowners are regularly educated on what they’re required to take care of when financing a home purchase, and that includes a home insurance policy to protect the asset from harm. However, if read closely, one is going to find that while the policy protects against general hazards like theft, fire, structural damage and similar, one particular risk is left out: flood damage.

Flood protection has for many years been an issue addressed by the federal government. The National Flood Insurance Program, or NFIP to the industry, is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to both provide homeowners insurance coverage against flood risk as well as to push for proactive flood planning in communities at high risk for flooding. However, NFIP benefits are not directly accessible to private homeowners. Instead, NFIP underwrites and supports policies provided by traditional home insurance providers. The program works very similarly to how mortgages from home lenders are backed and supported by the federal government. Should there be a flood and claims are triggered, the provider acts as the go-between with the homeowner and NFIP. Up to a predetermined limit, claims are processed and funded, and the provider is then taken care of by the NFIP program.

However, NFIP eligiblity for flood insurance doesn’t happen automatically. Homeowners need to secure a policy first. Some regions are determined as high risk and flood insurance is required by mortgage lenders on financed homes. However, other regions and non-financed homes have no such requirement. If flooded and no policy is in place, NFIP cannot help such properties if a flood does occur.

For those in the Denver, CO greater area, flooding doesn’t need to just be near a river or lake. It can happen with flash floods from rain watersheds, particularly at the base of mountains. To find out more about how NFIP can help, folks can contact AFI Insurance for details and how to start a flood policy.



Get Premium Home Insurance from AFI Insurance

Home insurance is a mandatory requirement for all homeowners.  Your insurance protects you from the financial burden of rebuilding or restoring property after expensive damages.  Even though renters insurance is similar to home owners insurance AFI Insurance in Denver, CO wants consumers to know of the various benefits homeowners insurance provide.

An insurance policy gives you financial protection against critical financial loss in the event of damages to your home.  Replacing after damage usually costs more than the initial cost of building. This poses a monetary burden most families can’t handle.  Homeowners insurance gives you the money to rebuild your home and your life.

Collecting insurance gives you a bulk sum which allows you to repair or replace after damages much faster than out of pocket.  Insurance pay outs help families to get back on their feet by repairing their homes in the shortest amount of time possible.  Not only does this restore normal living, but it also aids in psychological health, stress reduction and feelings of loss.

Homeowners insurance covers the various ways that properties become damaged.  This includes fire, natural disasters, theft or vandalism.  The policy includes interior and exterior damages to your home and, in some cases, stretches to cover destruction of personal property in and outside your home.  Homeowners policies can even cover injuries sustained to persons on your property.

One of the outstanding benefits of homeowners insurance is that policies give financial coverage that goes the extra mile.  Additional coverage for unique provisions may boost policy premiums, but the benefits are worth it.  We include coverage for jewelry and expensive artwork or other areas that are unique to your geographical situation or personal life.  Coverage for unique provision vary with each state or individual.  Visit our website for more information.


3 Different Uses for Cleaning Supplies in Denver

You likely recognize the necessity of having cleaning supplies around the house for various tasks, but sometimes you have to look beyond the label to realize the value of what’s within. These versatile products can do a lot for you if you just give them a chance. Cut down on your broom closet with these tips. 

Liquid Soap Is a Cure-All

There are several different uses for liquid dish soap you may not have realized. When you use it as part of a trio of white vinegar and salt, you can start killing the weeds in your sidewalk. Take one tablespoon of soap, a cup of salt and a gallon of white vinegar and then just pour it in the crack. Works much better than pulling every few weeks. You can also put it in a bag and then place in the freezer to make an effective ice pack. 

Window Washing As a Pest Killer 

Take down bugs by spraying window washing fluid where they stand. You can actually use this as a stain fighter on your couches and chairs too if you happen to spill and need an emergency fix. 

Denture Tablets 

From time to time, your drains probably clog up with dirt, debris and hair. Unfortunately, products to unclog your drain can be costly, but denture tablets can be used as an alternative to break up the damage and clear it away. Just break the tablet open, put it down the drain and run the hot tap right over it. 

From cleaning supplies to having the right insurance, you care about your home in Denver, CO. AFI Insurance is here to protect it, and we want you to call us if you need more information about available policies or just need a quote!

How to Protect Your Family During Emergencies

As the head of your household, the thought of something happening to your family is inconceivable. However, your family may be vulnerable while they are inside of your home when it comes to weather-related threats. At AFI Insurance, we recommend that you take the following steps to protect your family in each room of your home.

Equip each room with emergency lights. Having the ability to see during an outage can protect you from other dangers. You should outfit each room in your home with battery-operated lighting to keep everyone safe.

Place emergency kits strategically throughout your home. The number of emergency kits you have and the contents of each depends on your family’s needs. With at least two emergency kits in your home for a family, a four will help you ensure they are safe during a weather-related emergency. One kit in your kitchen and another in your bathroom will allow any family member to access easily each kit when it’s needed.

Store extra food and water in the kitchen. It’s not enough to simply have more food than you need in your kitchen at any time. You must deliberately pack a kit full of extra food and water so that you will have enough for a few days. Relying on the food you have in the refrigerator will not work during a power outage, since it could spoil.

In addition to extra food, placing a fire extinguisher in your kitchen will help you in the event of fire.

Purchase communication devices. When you know what is going on, you have a better idea of how to protect your family. You should have a radio and a corded phone in your living room.

Protect your family with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. In your entryway and near each of your bedrooms, you should have a smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. With these devices strategically placed near bedrooms, even sleeping family members will spring awake at the sound of the alarms.

Additionally, homes with multi-levels should have a prepared exit strategy for individuals that may become trapped in their rooms. Exit strategies should include emergency ladders, extra blankets, and emergency lighting.

At AFI Insurance, we do all we can to ensure our families are protected, including offering homeowner’s insurance. If you are paying too much for your existing policy, take a look at the features included in our policy on our website.


Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Braving your First Winter as a Denver, Colorado Homeowner

You made it! It has been your wish to get the family into your first home before the holidays.  What a Christmas this will be! 

Give yourself the best present this year. Rest assured by making certain your home insurance has coverages that include the issues that occur during extreme cold weather emergencies,

Cold Weather  To Do List

Prepare a cold emergency kit. Planning is key in the cold since roads may be closed and you can not access necessary items. Make certain you have appropriate cold weather apparel for the entire family: gloves, hats, scarves, etc. Keep extra ice melt on hand as well if you need to clear an outdoor area to access your car. You also don’t want people to slip and fall in front of your home.

Make certain your furnace or boiler is operating correctly. Checking it now may help you avoid a costly repair during a cold emergency. Inspecting your chimney is also important as it should be cleaned once per year.  

Repair or maintain stairs and outside areas now, before the snow is key to making certain the added weight of the snow doesn’t exacerbate an easy fix. 

Stagnate water in pipes may freeze. If you are going away when there may be a cold freeze, remember to clear your pipes before leaving. 

These brief reminders are just the tip of the iceberg – no pun intended. Please follow the link to learn more about how you can protect your home and loved ones this winter and beyond by acquiring an affordable and comprehensive home owner’s policy. AFI insurance agents are the experts when it comes to your locale and can help you enjoy your new responsibility worry-free.

Does Home Liability Insurance Really Protect Me?

When you look at your homeowner’s insurance in Colorado, there is a certain form of coverage known as home liability insurance. It is known to protect you as the homeowner in the event that someone injures themselves on your property, or even gets bitten by the dog. Is it really going to protect you? With the right coverage, you can get help in a variety of areas.

Lawyer Costs

Friends, family members, contractors, or anyone can sue you if they are injured in your home. Lawyer costs can be covered with the liability insurance so that you can get the necessary legal help. Even if you are held financially responsible, the financial assistance can be present.

Medical Bills

Medical bills can add up to be a lot – and you won’t have to pay them if you have sufficient home liability insurance.

Lost Wages

The person who is injured may be injured to the level that they are unable to work. Their lost wages become your financial responsibility, though it is possible that the right coverage will take care of these expenses.

Pain & Suffering

Particularly when a case makes it to court, pain and suffering settlements can be established. These may be worth tens of thousands of dollars, depending upon how severe the accident was. Rather than this being your responsibility, the insurance company can take care of the expenses.

Death Benefits

While you never want a fatality to occur on your property, the possibility always exists. Death benefits can be provided by home liability insurance so that it does not become your financial responsibility.

At AFI Insurance, our agents are here to save you money and ensure that you have the necessary coverage in Englewood, Colorado. Call and speak to one of our agents today to begin receiving customized assistance.



Prep Your Denver Home For The Fall

There are some important things that you need to do in your home for the fall. Denver can be quite cold during the fall and winter months. If you are not careful, snow and ice can damage your house. The good news is that there is a prep list that you can follow.


Many things can be done inside. You have to decide whether you are going to do them on your own or enlist the help of a professional. Sometimes, it can be advantageous to spend the money so that a professional company does everything properly.

  • Clean the chimney
  • Have the heater inspected
  • Install weather stripping around doors and windows
  • Reverse fans
  • Replace batteries in smoke detectors

Some of these things won’t take long at all. You simply want to make sure that you are doing all that you can in order to protect your home – especially as you begin hanging holiday lights, doing a lot of baking in your home, and more.


Some of the projects outside may involve some special tools, and giving up a few of your weekends. The benefit is that you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is properly prepped for the fall months.

  • Clean out the gutters
  • Have the roof inspected
  • Fill and seal cracks in your driveway

Remember that there is going to be snow and ice during the winter months, and so during the fall, you can prepare your home for everything that Colorado weather is going to deliver. It will take a few weeks to complete everything, but it will be worth it in the end.

Call us at AFI Insurance today to learn about how our independent insurance agents can help you find a homeowner’s policy that is not only effective, but also affordable.




Partner Carriers

  • Agile Premium Finance
  • Allstate
  • Attune
  • BackNine
  • biBerk
  • Bristol West
  • BTIS
  • Chubb
  • CNA Commercial
  • Coterie
  • Cover Whale
  • Covr
  • Cowbell
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Falcon Insurance
  • FCF Premium Finance
  • Foremost
  • Goto Premium Finance
  • Hagerty
  • Mexipass
  • Nationwide Insurance
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