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Colorado Insurance Blog

Three decisions you need to make when you purchase home insurance

As a homeowner, you need to carry home insurance coverage to protect the financial investments that you make in your home. There are numerous decisions that you’ll have to make when you select a home insurance policy. 

At AFI Insurance, we can come to your assistance when you’re on the market for a home insurance policy in Denver, CO. The following are three decisions we can assist you with when choosing a home insurance policy. 

The company you’ll buy home insurance from

You need to evaluate the insurance coverage offerings of your area’s different home insurance providers. You can get quotes from numerous insurance providers to choose a home insurance policy that offers good value and customer service. Be sure to research a home insurance provider that you’ll be happy with over the long term. 

The deductible on your home insurance policy

The deductible amount is one of the most essential details of your policy. A higher deductible amount typically means lower premiums. However, a higher deductible amount may also be more difficult to afford if you have to file a claim.

You need to choose a deductible amount that is low enough to be affordable but won’t result in excessively high monthly premium costs. 

The amount of coverage you’ll carry

Another critical detail of your policy is the coverage maximums. You should carry enough coverage to protect both your assets when it comes to liability coverage and your property value when it comes to property damage coverage. 

Do you have questions about meeting your home insurance needs in Denver, CO? Get in touch with us at AFI Insurance to explore your options and find the right coverage for your unique situation.  

Four common misconceptions to be aware of regarding auto insurance

The auto insurance policy and coverage amount you carry as a motorist can significantly impact your finances. That’s why it’s so important to be informed appropriately.

At AFI Insurance, we know how important it is for motorists to be aware of common misconceptions about auto insurance. The following are four common misconceptions to be mindful of regarding auto insurance. 

Auto insurance premiums always go up after you file a claim.

When you have auto insurance, it’s essential to use it when necessary. Don’t be afraid to file a claim because you think your premiums will go up. Your premiums shouldn’t go significantly up just because you file one claim or get one ticket on your driving record.  

You can use your general auto insurance policy to cover the commercial use of your vehicle.

You may need to invest in commercial auto coverage if you use your vehicle for commercial purposes. General auto insurance does not typically cover vehicles used for commercial purposes.  

Collision coverage pays off your car loan in case of a total loss.

If you have a loan out on your vehicle, you’ll be required to carry collision coverage by your lender. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your insurance will ultimately pay off your loan if your vehicle is destroyed in an accident.

Collision coverage will only compensate you for the current market value of your vehicle at the time of your accident. You may need to pay off your loan out of pocket if you owe more on your car than its current market value. 

You only need to meet state minimum requirements with your insurance coverage. 

It’s best to exceed state minimum requirements for coverage to enjoy enough liability coverage to protect you financially. While state minimum coverage is all you are legally required to have, it’s best to be cautious and invest in added coverage. 

Let us help you explore your auto insurance options in Denver, CO at AFI Insurance. We can provide you with helpful information and policy quotes to find the coverage you need. 



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