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Colorado Insurance Blog

Does Your Car Insurance Cover a Driver with a Learners Permit?

You know you need to maintain at least the minimum required amount of car insurance in Colorado. What you may not be aware of is exactly who is allowed to drive your vehicle and remain covered. When it comes to other drivers and those with learners permits, you need to know what type of coverage you have.

Liability coverage normally follows the driver. If you allow another licensed driver to operate your vehicle temporarily, the driver should have liability insurance. Collision insurance, or comprehensive insurance, usually follows the car. When you add another regular driver to your car, under any license, your coverage will change.

Many insurance companies provide complementary insurance for those driving with a learners permit. However, even if the insurance is provided at no additional charge, you must notify the company whenever an additional driver is given permission to drive your insured vehicle.

In Colorado, drivers under the age of 18 must hold a learners permit for 12 months before applying for a regular driver’s license. Once the full license is obtained, the driver must be covered under an insurance policy. It is often less expensive for the parent to add a younger driver to their existing policy rather than have a teen purchase their own policy. However, the teen driver must live in the same household.

Insurance policies and requirements vary by the company issuing the insurance. It is extremely important for you to contact your agency to understand the specifics of the policy you hold. Working with independent agents will allow you to see what is available from different providers.

Make sure that you are covered for your driver on a learners permit, and after the driver obtains a full license. Request quotes from AFI Insurance and start comparing them now. Our agents will be happy to help you get the exact coverage for your needs and you can even compare insurance rates online to get started.

We’re Your Neighbors!

Insurance can be confusing for anyone. Different policies, different terms, different benefits—it’s no wonder many people simply pick a big-name insurance company and assume everything will be fine.

But what’s easiest isn’t always what’s best. The key to insurance is finding a program that is exactly right for you. And with so many choices available on the market, that can be a daunting task.

That’s where we come in. At AFI Insurance, we take pride in working hard to develop the right insurance program to fit your needs. We’re a local agency, based right here in Denver, Colorado. The principals of the agency graduated from CSU and CU. We love Colorado. We’re your neighbors and we’re proud to be part of your community.

And because of that, we take extra care to make sure your insurance program fits YOU.

Part of that is providing you with a free individualized rate comparison for your personal automobile and home insurance right on our website or by phone.

We’re an independent Insurance Agency. That means we don’t work for some giant insurance company, we work for you. We can help you structure exactly the kind of insurance program you need, selecting from among hundreds of different carriers. We’re here to help you navigate the often confusing maze of terms and choices.

Our goal is to build a long-term relationship to help you and your family grow and prosper.

That’s why we’re offering you this great free service. Just follow the link here on our website to be taken to the rate comparison page, and you can see for yourself how various programs will work for you.

Or just give us a call and we’d be happy to discuss the options with you directly.

That’s what neighbors do!



Partner Carriers

  • Agile Premium Finance
  • Allstate
  • Attune
  • BackNine
  • biBerk
  • Bristol West
  • BTIS
  • Chubb
  • CNA Commercial
  • Coterie
  • Cover Whale
  • Covr
  • Cowbell
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Falcon Insurance
  • FCF Premium Finance
  • Foremost
  • Goto Premium Finance
  • Hagerty
  • Mexipass
  • Nationwide Insurance
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