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Colorado Insurance Blog

Why Your Business Needs Worker’s Compensation Insurance

When you’re the pawner of a business, there are a lot of responsibilities that you have. One is to get a suitable type of insurance to protect yourself and your business. One of the essential types of commercial insurance is worker’s compensation insurance. This offers valuable coverage that no business owner should ever be without. To get started with a policy for your business, call us at AFI Insurance in Denver, CO.

Worker’s Compensation Laws

One reason that you need this type of insurance is that the state of Colorado mandates it. Every business with any number of employees, even just one, must have this insurance protection. In Colorado, anyone who does work for the company is considered to be a business employee. This coverage is highly necessary because of the cost of accidents and other incidents at work. If you have an employee who has an accident at work and gets injured or gets an illness related to their work, this insurance will pay for their medical bills and other assorted costs. 

Double Protection

When you have a worker’s compensation insurance policy, it protects both sides. It protects you and your business by taking care of what could be expensive medical bills. It also protects the employee by ensuring that the funds are available to them if they need them after an accident. This means the employee won’t have to sue you to recover the necessary funds for their medical bills. They will instead work with the insurance company to ensure that the bills are taken care of. 

Get Worker’s Compensation Insurance

When you’re in the market for a worker’s comp policy, call us to get started. We’re available at AFI Insurance in Denver, CO to help you get started.

What Are The most Common myths about life insurance?

Today, life insurance is not a luxury – it is a tool that provides peace of mind and security. However, there are still plenty of myths about this type of insurance. In this blog post, we will debunk some of them so you can make more informed decisions when choosing a life insurance plan for yourself and your loved ones. 

Surprising Myths About Life Insurance

Here are the common misconceptions about life insurance you may not know about:

  • Life insurance is only for older people. The truth is that insurance is beneficial for people of any age. However, if you get insurance at an older age, you may have to pay a higher premium. That is why it is more beneficial to purchase life insurance when you are still young. 
  • Life insurance is expensive. This type of insurance is affordable, especially if you choose the right policy type and proper coverage amount. 
  • Single individuals do not need to have life insurance. Even if you are single and do not have any family members who depend on you financially, you can still benefit from life insurance. For example, life insurance can be used to cover your funeral expenses and pay off any debt you have. It is also a wise investment for your future family. 
  • There is no need for stay-at-home parents to have life insurance. Stay-at-home parents provide expensive childcare, household management, cleaning, and cooking services.

 AFI Insurance In Denver, CO – Reliable And Trustworthy Insurance Company

Life insurance is not obligatory, but it is worth having as it offers plenty of benefits. Many people skip life insurance because of myths and a lack of knowledge. If you live in Denver, CO, or any other town in Colorado, contact AFI Insurance, a reliable and trustworthy insurance company. At AFI Insurance, we will provide you with all the necessary information about life insurance and help you choose the right insurance plan. 



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