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Colorado Insurance Blog

Four steps to go through before purchasing commercial insurance

At AFI Insurance, we’re devoted to meeting the insurance needs of business owners in Denver, CO. We provide commercial insurance to area business owners.

It’s essential to go through a few key steps when you insure your company. Below are four steps to go through before purchasing commercial insurance. 

Assess the risks that your company faces.

Every company is unique. Your company faces its own unique financial risks, and you need to know what these risks are before you decide on the details of your commercial insurance policy.

Analyze the financial risks at your company. Consider what types of lawsuits your company could become involved in. You should also consider your company’s assets and what your company stands to lose in the event of an accident or liability issue. 

Decide what types of coverage you need for your company

Business owners should understand all the different types of coverage available before they buy a commercial insurance policy.

Learn about liability, business interruption, commercial property, commercial vehicle, workers’ compensation, and errors and omissions coverage before deciding which coverage types you need. 

Find commercial insurance providers in your area and request quotes

You need to explore your options before you make a selection. Determining which companies offer commercial insurance in your community would be best. You should then get in touch with these companies so that you can request quotes on policies. 

Choose a policy

Look at the quotes you receive and decide which offer provides you with the best coverage option. 

You need to get policy quotes from Denver, CO insurance providers before you buy commercial insurance. We’ll provide you with a quote when you contact us at AFI Insurance

Four of the most important things to know about life insurance

Consumers need to be well informed about life insurance. Life insurance is an essential product that secures the finances of your family members and loved ones. At AFI Insurance, we offer life insurance to Denver, CO consumers.

Here are four of the most important things you need to know about life insurance. 

Life insurance policies that accrue cash value are available.

Some consumers think that life insurance policies don’t increase in cash value over time and that the policyholder receives nothing if they don’t die before the policy term is over.

However, you can take out a universal or whole life insurance policy if you want your policy to accrue cash value over time. 

Life insurance helps to ensure your family’s future financial security.

The most important thing about life insurance is that it is essential to keep your family financially secure.

If your dependents rely on your financial support, you can purchase life insurance so your family will remain financially secure if you pass away. 

You don’t have to be married or have kids to benefit from life insurance.

While life insurance is most commonly purchased for financial security within a family, life insurance can also benefit business owners and anyone with any dependents. 

If you are an employer, life insurance can help support your employees or keep your business running if you pass away and can no longer run your company. 

It’s not necessary for your beneficiaries to pay tax on the death benefit of your policy.

Some consumers worry that life insurance won’t benefit their beneficiaries because they owe a lot in taxes. Fortunately, the death benefit on a life insurance policy is tax-exempt. 

Learn more about life insurance by calling us today. If you want to protect your family in Denver, CO, we can help you at AFI Insurance



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